I CANT NOT BELIEVE it is the end of march already!! Where in the world did the month go. I had surgery and it seemed like the month just flew by. I am feeling happy to see the spring coming but sad that the days are going by SO fast.
On a side note I have had a great break from all my training this month just letting my body rest. No gym or ballet classes...which is a hard one for me. I have a had a restful time with my kids and husband. I know there are things that need to get done but I just feel like I want to just be mellow. I did get the basement storage room done and the bathroom painted... pictures to come soon. I promise....I have been really bad about pictures lately. I use to carry my camera EVERY where. I has been a while since I have even taken any pictures worth posting. I will try try to get a picture soon of what we have been up to.
I had one of my close childhood friends in this week at my house. I posted about her before in an older post. "Meme" is a great girlfriend and she always knows when to be there for me. She travels far to come to important things in my life. Plus she is my "bouncer". Not an actual BOUNCER hahaha....This is a word I got from a great councilor. It means a person that can always see things from other angles so they give you a good prospective of what is actually happening. Which I guess when you think about it is a lot like a physical bouncer that would protect you from harms way. But I think it really more like "bounces off from" Like your rubber and I'm ..well...rubber too...hahaa. I have a few of these types of friends. She is one I love to use because she always stays neutral in her position if it involves love ones. I was using family members. I think this was mostly upsetting my husbands ability to feel comfortable when he would get around family. Not because he does horrible things all the time. Its just hard to be in the company of people all the time that KNOW what you may be ashamed of doing last week. They were not there in the room after it got fixed between you and the other person. I try to use safe "bouncers". People who will not use the information against you later or won't vomit your life to everyone they encounter. I love this friends for that. She never makes be feel like I am being judged or that she is going to blab it off to anyone. She is also is a women who has build her life up to be what she has wanted it to be. She is on her way in singing and playing the guitar. Her band is the opener for John Micheal Montgomery in July. She still teaches her first love Jazz and hip hop for competition teams where she lives. Plus, she goes to school full time and has three kids that are very bright and well behaved. She is very intelligent. Has a easy time getting school down and is always willing to learn. Her knowledge of gospel history is very strong. She just lives her life! She may do it differently then some but she lives at her pace. She seems to pull all of it together to really make it work. She will be getting into her first home hopefully this month and I am so happy for her. She has waited along time to have this much balance in her life. I wish I could just follow her to her house and live next store. But I know she and I will always be close. I am hoping to go see her house in April and maybe go on a trip sometime with her and her husband this year.
It was hard to see her leave today. I know its obviously what has to happen its just hard to live so far from all my besties. My sister lives 21 hours away (another one a miss all the time), I have a bestie that's 9 hours, her, that lives 7hours and only one or two that are 2 to 3 hours away. I have some friends here too (don't want to forget them). I just hate that some of my closest friends live SO FAR AWAY. Its life, I know not everyone can stay next to each other forever plus it makes thing fun when you get together. I love my life here and I love my companionship with my best friend of all, my MAN.
What would life be with out meeting friends for fun weekends and vacations. That's what makes us look forward to something. I know even though I am not with my besties they are always with me and I with them. They are my heavenly sister anyways, right!
........"God be with you....Til meet again."
Monday, March 26, 2012
March Maddness
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
My amazing MAN.
I had surgery this past week on March 7th 2012. One of the most nervous days of my life, so far. I was totally freaked to go under. I have never had any major medical situations most of my life. Besides my horrible eye sight, really I've only been treated for, what my doctor thought, was Endometriosis since I was 14. Even then it was just treatment. Treatment with Hormones is normal for females and I was never really diagnosed. Mostly because the only way to diagnose Endo is to cut the patient open. Through Laparoscopic. Not the favorite choice for most people. So, I went on a birth control with a hormone in it to help. So here I am 17 years later with my eye sight at an alarming -11.5 and my uterus, after two kids (which I am thankful to have because Endo patients can not have children in most cases), falling apart. Well not falling but hurting and ...well you get the point. So I went in to get a looksy to see what has been going on the past 17 years. Results being that "yes" I had quiet a bit growing and a lot of scar tissue. So after an hour and a half surgery I was released to my sweetheart who took time off to be with me through this whole ordeal. Thats mostly what this post is on about how I fell in love with my husband of 10 years this past week while he nursed me back to health. He had to help me to the bathroom, bring me everything needed, made food, took care of the kids, cleaned up the house so visitors and I would feel more comfortable, did the dishes after every meal, got up with me a night, did I mention handled all the errands while watching both the kids and on top of all this he did every stitch of laundry in the house Sunday night then took one more day off so that I could sleep in one more day and rest. Its going to be hard to come back to reality hahaaa. I know it took every fiber of himself to do all this on days off. He didn't really get to sleep in ONE day out of 6 days off. I am the first one to say that sometimes house hold duties do not get a pat on the back as often as I should I have the theory "if you pooped in it you can clean it too" But I can see when acts of love through the language of Service NEED a "pat". I couldn't help but have my "cup over flow" with love each night when I lied down and he would lovely hold my hand.
On another side note....want to know how I know I am an -11.5 eye sight? My sweet husband took me in to see if I could get Lasik done this year like I have wanted like FOREVER! We found out I am not even close to being a candidate they stop at -10. He again was so wonderful through that horrible news. He holding off on his Lasik even though he is a candidate, let me go shopping and kept telling me we needed to get a second opinion on mine. So I did. Come to find out there is another option for me its called "Visian". He wants me to do it even though it's twice the amount as Lasik. I still think I am, I just told him I wanted to save for it instead of running right out and getting it done this month. One word sums up my MAN this month....SUPPORT.
I know this is a mushy post but Hay! I do have a GREAT husband. I want to shout it out to every corner of my house and neighborhood! Not sure he'd like the much attention but its well earned that's for sure!
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
I was going to be a good girl!
I was so trying to make it a goal to post at least one post a month and try for once a week as a bonus. I kinda bombed from out of the gate with not posting in February. 0Ops. So now I will post 2 this month for sure. hahaa.
Thanks to my WONDERFUL example of a blogger (my sister jamiebug.blogspot.com)
I was award a Liebster Award by her. This a great thing to be given! I think blogs are so much more interesting then Facebook posts mostly because they are more involved. Sadly its a dieing art for some of my fellow bloggers. Its nice to get a boost of support from readers who like to read your posts. Please give these out so you can keep your favorite bloggers blogging.
Liebster is a German word that literally translates to "favorite", "dearest" or "beloved". By one blogger giving it to another, they are essentially saying, your blog is a favorite of mine. I think it's great that I have been awarded this. I blog mostly to keep up on events in my life for those family members who live away and want to know whats happen in our life in our little hometown. Also because I LOVE to express myself through all mediums writing has always been a difficult medium for me because I am horrible at spelling and English. I figure the more I do it the better I will get. Hopefully hahaaa.
Here are the rules....
1) Acknowledge the blogger who gave the award by linking back to them
2) Give this award to 5 other bloggers (who have fewer than 200 readers), and let them know through a comment on their blog
3) Post the award on your blog
4) Best of all - bask in the glory, have fun and share the love!
Well here are my picks
Jamie ...Well it pretty obvious why I LOVE this blog. My best friend for life my sis this is her blog. She is a inspiration to me. I LOVE LOVE LOVE how she is sooooo dedicated. I always know she will have a new post once a week. I love getting on her blog to see her new thoughts and endeavors she is getting ready to tackle with arms wide open. She is a great example of a blogger and a person with spirit and will. Did I also say she is extremely talented!!!
Candi.. my cousin she is one of the most endearing people I know. I love how she can take on her motherhood with so much joy. We have had a great friendship since I was a little girl. Giggling at night after the lights were out at grandmas as she's telling us to ...GO TO BED! Well as loud as sweet grandma can...haha. I love her family and her strong will for her family. She is the type of mamma bear you don't mess with. hahaa. This is why her blog is SO fun to read.
Sheri....Ahwa sherbear. We started out college roomies and I knew from the moment I met her we where going to be friends. She was super fun to pal around with and now I am far away and the only way I really know what is happening in her life is to read her blog. And she IS A BLOGGER. She is another great example to me of how to "getter done".
Becca....another dear family member that is SOOOO supportive of her friends and relatives ....Im pretty sure to everyone she meets too. She has a smile that is contagious and I light that she shares with people she comes in contact with. I have always looked up to her as an artist and her ability to be so strong. I am younger then her by a few years and I really thought of her as I looked to getting marriage as a teenager. She married the love her life after waiting for him for 2 years. I have always loved reading about them seeing how they live away and I only get to see her once a year. She is a wonderful mother to her babies! Every post wrapped in love and support.
Michelle...I follow this blog not only because her husband is my husbands best bud but because I LOVE her. She so sweet and very cool. I love hanging out with them. There is times were we can't make it up there to see them so I can just get on her blog to see what they have been up to. Thats important to me to keep up so we don't get any surprises just because we live away! :(
Ok and I have to do one more because she is an avid blogger.....
Mary....she is a good friend of mine from high school that I reconnected with after her daughter took ballet from me at my school a few years back.. I am so glad too because she has such a love for her family and life. I love her laugh it is so cheerful. I also love that her blog is so fun to read with her well written posts about what is dear to her. Which is what life and blogging is all about!! right?
Love all my blogger friends but I have picked this ones because I know I have left the award in good hands. Love you all! MWAH!!
Friday, January 13, 2012
Lier ...lier pants on fire!
I kinda had to post this this morning because I finally had the last straw with my 6 year lying to get out of trouble. Said she was going to finally have to spend the day in her room for lying to me. Sad thing is I always give her prompts to tell me the truth and she sometimes does but most the time doesn't. She get so focused on not getting in trouble for the small thing she just LIES through her teeth. I have always threatened the day in her room but never really had the heart to do it. Plus that sux for me can't go anywhere. I saw this quote after this all went down I started feeling like I may have done the above. I know she is still young but I think this is when you have to teach the harder things in life like being nice to others (even when it hard) and not lying to get out of what you don't want to deal with. If I don't make it hard for her when she lies I believe she will just continue to lie mostly because she has. We have been threatening this consequence for the past year. Like I said I have never followed all the way through because she is so young that 2 or 3 hours in her room could seem like forever so we always let her out after a while. I am really trying to do the right thing by teaching her this. I was taught this from my parents and I believe it is what has helps me to be a person with integrity and honor. Plus I was never allowed to run away from my problems or the consequences of my decisions. To be honest ( since we are talk about that...hahaha) I haven't tolerated being lied to EVER. If someone I loves lies to me I see it for what it is and either call them out on it or I make a mental note to not trust them if they want to lie. I think when you really think about it there is never a time when its OK to lie. It really is just a way to run away from what you don't want to say to someone or deal with. White lies are all to common in today's world what use to be a matter of manners sometimes gets justified as I don't want to hurt so I will lie. So anyways, I guess I am just trying to figure out when I should make this a matter of consequence to my children. So I did some research on the matter this the website
I used .... http://www.parenting-ed.org/handout3/Specific%20Concerns%20and%20Problems/lying.htm
I feel like it helped me get a better grip on what I am doing with her at her age. I am going to speak with my husband and I think we'll be having to make a new consquese because I think ALL day is a bit much for her at her age. Maybe if she is still doing as she gets older like pass the age of 8 . Then an all day room consequence might be called for. When they can ACTUALLY tell time. Hahahahaa. Here's to the challenges we face a parents! Grrrrr
Monday, December 12, 2011
Learning a lot lately
Well I am doing another entry on the place of peace I have come to this past month. I have been cleaning out my messy emotional closet lately. I have had some really great "aha" moments. There has been some friend to friend discussions that have helped drive thoughts home But most of it is due to watching a few of Oprah's Life Classes. She is an amazing women who have watched all while I grew up. I have a tremendous amount of respect for her. I have seen her become this assertive Icon for the world. I love how she is about sharing joy and change to her viewer. I think meeting her is on my bucket list for sure.
She has started this new project were you sign on for her "Life" Class. She teaches through her life and through life changing moments that doing her show taught her. She picks a thought each week and drives that thought home with true stories from her show that teaches her method of living now later in her life. I know I would like to be more like her ....haha. So I ventured into watching an episode one evening when I had nothing else to watch. And it WAS life changing......
The first one I watched was about Paula Dean. Mind you I didn't sign up for the classes on line I just jumped in with the first one on when I turned my Direct TV on. As it started I could already tell I was going to love watching. I had no idea how that episode was going to drive home everything I was trying to sort through for the past year. There it was being spoon fed to me like a hungry child. lol It was about two or three main stories. In between she talks about what she learned from hearing there story and what person learned. I found myself rewinding to rehear the phases she said so I could make mental notes in my head. "Being responsible for the energy you bring into a situation and being responsible for allowing an energy to be in your space." Seems like a simple enough thing to do and say. Until you really hear what she is teaching. She really talks about how these ideas will be what allows you to become your full potential not what BOX other people put you in. I realized I let my power go...when I am not responsible for the energy I put out and for the energy other people put in my life. There was so much more to this episode. The stories alone were absolutely worth hearing even if that's all you take from this class.
Then I realized in a world of commercial television were so much light and knowledge could go out to the viewers, very little does. I am so thankful for Oprah's creativity and joy she shares with the world. There are lot of classes I have missed. So far I have watched around 8 episodes and just watched one tonight. Again I left feeling emotionally fed and ready to try to apply the method into my life. ...."When someone shows you who they are...believe them!" I can really only watch one a week because it takes me that long to apply it in my mind. I keep the ones that I REALLY need to work on. I delete the ones I think I can't watch again either because it was something I have already learned and only needed a reminder or it was too hard for me to watch. She does have one that I watched a few weeks ago about ...."Love doesn't hurt" I had a hard time watching that one and there was another one on "Being in the present moment" I barley made it through those ones because they were very powerful and had some really hard true life stories. Even though, I am glad I watched the episodes. I realized even if I don't want to watch them again I needed a reminder of that lesson ...for sure!
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
My anniversary ....9 YEARS!
Wanted to share a few thoughts about it being my 9 year today. Nov 30th 2002
Look how young and SERIOUS we look in this photo. We are ready to take on the world! I could go on about how dreamy he was to me, how he was my knight and on and on. Really I want to point out how THANKFUL I am to have made it to 9 years with my MAN.
Marriage is tough cookies. Its like wearing a business suit everyday to work. Coming to a place where to know one another so well that you can WORK for each other. I never get the idea about "My marriage is falling apart ....and I don't know why?" Yes you do! One of you has stopped working. Marriage is meant to be hard. That is why it so divine and sacred. If it were a walk in the park it wouldn't mold and shape you into a better person. We have been through some REALLY hard paths so far ....I say so far, because I think what I have been through is hard but I know MORE lies ahead. Which is ok! Trust is what everyone knows makes a marriage function. I believe that TRUST is not only about how much your BOTH working in the marriage. Its also about YOU knowing with every fiber of your being you've been through trials and you have tools for YOU to make it through them again. Oddly, its not really about what the other person does that gives out TRUST because you are the one who makes your way NOT them. I can't MAKE my companion LOVE me, work FOR me and make him want who I WANT him to be. I can only trust that I have the tools to handle what trial is before me and know I WILL make it through better for it. In that I find my peace. That KNOWING I have given my all, 100% and owed my part in the mistakes. Then there is no regret for having been through the tough times because you would change having gone through them if you could. I am married to a man who has loved me when I have been difficult to LOVE, shared his needs when he felt it was useless and spoke his truths when it was hard for me to hear. Learning to be free from each other so you can help and not hinder. So can truly listen. Learning to cling to each other through each others trials. So no one feels abandoned.
One of my favorite saying from a marriage councilor was .....(yes counseling is not a bad thing..haha)
"I will walk with you to hell my friend as you work
but if you do not work then you can go to hell yourself."
What freedom in that saying! I am in control of my own life EVEN in a marriage. I can choose to stay or go. If I can say that I have tried MY 100% and owned my short comings then that brings peace. I am thankful for the Heavenly Father and Savior's hand in my marriage. Through the Holy Ghost I was able to see that I had a true companion that loves my husband and me more then I could ever comprehend. His ever watchful eye in my life was there all the time. I didn't realize how close they where until I went through troubling times. I wouldn't change it for all the riches in the world.
I love you baby. Thank you for loving me even at my worst!
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Finding a new way.
This is a post of a post I published on a website for ADHD parents and adults that I resonantly joined. I have been doing a lot research on parenting and coping with ADHD as adult. I am now not too afraid to look at or say that, I am a mother with ADHD and have a daughter with it. I am so glad there are places for me to read information about this disorder so I don't have to feel alone. Here is the post I did.....
I am an adult with ADHD Addition Deficit Hyper Disorder. I was unaware of there being a name to my monster until I was a Freshman in high school. Even though my mother thought I may have it as early as the second grade, she chose not to medicate me because of the all to familiar scare of Ritalin. Even after thinking I may have this as a freshman I still was not medicated until I was a Junior.
School, was I have to say, the hardest part for me as a whole with having this disorder. Actuality anywhere their was a teacher involved and a class room (church, studios ect.) were I was expected to follow.
Being an unaware child in my elementary years, I was a joyful and over loving child. I was boundariless when it came to friendship and relationships. Loving without thought, with so much energy to give of myself. I traded it for affection, adoration and approval there was little thought of myself in this equation. I learned how to adapted to my environment at school very quickly to gain approval were I was told it was important. At the cost a lot of the time of my self worth. Teacher didn't understand me and I was defiantly not excepted by my peers. Although I didn't have a hard time making friends it was usually not a healthy friendship. My "eager to please" habit started a down hill suffocation to my worth as a living being on this earth. Leading me unto waters where I was taken advantage of by adult males. Which in turn just kept my self worth at a all time low when I would return to school. There are many memories in my childhood at school that are not very pleasant. That I am sure would make most of the people involved today blush with embarrassment with how they acted. My school life was full of these types of situations. Being spit on and kicked in the legs because I couldn't fit in. Undressed on the playground surround by a group of popular kids in the 5th grade who I thought were my friends. Belittled in front of a class full of peers by teachers who couldn't tolerate my inability to follow the class environment. One one such occasion my mother stepped in after one teacher had hurt me so bad I was beginning to pee the bed, call home for school every other day, cry at the drop of a hat when I just couldn't get it RIGHT. She pretty much placed me in teachers who had worked with my siblings after that so she knew the personality of the teacher to minimize the damage. Home life was good but I wasn't excepted by my siblings very well either. They tolerated me at times but had a difficult time with full connection with me. Name calling wasn't just at school my sibling did this as a way to lighten the difficulty of dealing with me at home. All in all I did have a healthy family life. With a stay at home mother who had very loving walls in teaching us how to function. A hard working father who showed his emotions and loved us all unconditionally. So don't judge my parents too harsh they where defiantly present. They just had there hands full with 4 kids. My oldest brother has ADD or hypo mania (he isn't really willing to to find out....which another story) and My older sister has terminal illness called Cystic Fibrosis and My father, who was the first to know what to call his monster. He self diagnosis himself after reading an ADD book. Then went to a doctor to explain his concerns. I was almost 16 by this time. My poor mother trying to do damage control on all of us as we grew up. (I do have one more brother in the family that has no diagnosis. He has a personality a lot like my mothers.)
There wasn't information out in the educational field on ADD in the late 80's early 90's. What there was, scared parents from medications and good luck with information on occupational therapy. I always felt like there was three people inside me one who watched everything like a movie (my true self), Monster 1 who reacted and Monster 2 who talked loudly ALL the time. Little could make it past the the two gray fogs. Try as the viewer may, the other personalities just took control and steered the vessel. Wanting to bring peace to my out of control world, I would throw myself under the bus to the monsters and everyone who told me I wasn't enough. Little did I know I was NEVER going to fit in. I was bound for a much more potential then I had ever thought possible at such a young age.
I learned to manage through life letting experiences tell me how to be. In a way helping me function with my nameless disorder so I could be worth something. That didn't work maybe this will. I learned to try to learn form my own and other people mistakes so I would have to be hurt anymore. People began to gravitate towards me. "Normal does not play well with fun" I would tell myself in high school all the time. Being so full of life and energy I was always ready to play. I found outlets like theater and singing that I could be free from unified form and conditions. Interestingly I really gravitated towards boundaries and limitations. Classical Ballet was one of the things I clung to through school. Which I find so funny with how difficult and disciplined an old art form like this is to achieve. Although I was very talented in the many art forms. I really LOVED Ballet. I remembering crying at the barre because I want to focus so bad. I would watch the combination just to have the music turn on and my mind would draw a blank. Embarrassed that everyone else got it and I didn't I would beat myself up. My Monsters where right there to join in on the feed. This was my inter dialoged for 3 to 5 years when I approached something I wanted. Not being able to see through the two other monsters in my mind. I would yell ...Try harder!!! One thing that is interesting about having ADD is that you have the ability to hyper focus on things that interest you. School did not interest me but I knew I had to pass school to get on with my life to the things that did. I came to realize in my junior year of school I could no longer ignore my situation. With a 1.8 grade average my monsters had clearly taken the wheel and I was watching my dreams slip out from underneath me. In 1997 when my father finally was diagnosed with ADD, a door flew wide open for our family. He was able to finally be himself. So, I went in to have a full evaluation done my Junior year of High School. With in one month of talking the meds and a few dosing changes I went from a 1.8 grade average to a 4.0 in one semester of school. I also became better at all my talents and reached new highs in my friendship because I could control my monsters. Which is so funny because that all you hear about the drugs for ADD. They make you less of who you are. I'm not saying that every mg of prescription is perfect for every person.
I just wanted to touch on how I personality lived the life with out meds. Leaving me as an adult with emotional scars from having no worth as a child with ADHD. I often think how much more I could have been if I would have had meds sooner. Seeing that I was not given a choice, I now know I was given my trials so I could be who I am today. I just think I would have less emotional scars if I would have been able to be the REAL me through my most influential years of education.
Ironically, I am now looking at making these same choices for my oldest daughter who shows signs of ADHD. I fought with myself not wanting even look at the possibility of her having it. Fearing she would have to go through her life with this disorder. I realized that she won't have to go through my experiences because I am going to make a new way for her. I will use ALL the tools that are out there for her and she will be able to use this disorder to help her really focus on her interests and be a light to those around her because of her energy and joy. This what I hope people who read this journal get from it..... ADHD can be used to make someone better. You just have to give them all the tools to build there ship. There ship may look different then there neighbors but it will stay afloat and even may look cooler!
....After posting this I realized there was some "aha" moments for me while writing this. I realized for the forst time in my life I could give words to my afflictions in my past. It was something I always wanted to share but didn't have the words and theories in my mind yet to get it meaning. I am sure I will be adding to this because of now being Mj mom I will have a whole new set of rules to learn. I am thankful for all those people in my life that loved me dispite the disorder I have. That see me for the real me and try to lift me up. That is the energy I want in my future. I am barly learning to own my energy that I bring into an experience so I'm hoping to post more on this as I grow.
Friday, August 5, 2011
Wow the summer is flying by.....AHHH!
Ok its not Aug....This was a post that I was obviously trying to get out before the summer ended but ....it didn't happen because I am now looking at getting Mj Halloween costume ready...haha. YES the summer did fly by...bye bye. Just thought it was funny that I never got back to this post.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Don't feel like it.
Super cute faces and there looks of total wonderment.
(thanks to my little niece. Love you!)
Monday, April 18, 2011
My name is Con and these are my shoes!
My little girl has pretty much decided from the get go that she is not going to be feminine AT all. So I have let go of my dream of a little girl following in my footsteps as a dancer. Realizing, I may be on the side lines of sports games instead. Sports is something I barley tolerated in school. what can you say when your daughter runs with boys plays with boys dresses like a boy. Something I learned from my mother is "Pick your battles". I want her to be who she wants to be not what I predisposed her to be when she was a glimmer in my eye.
The Soccer Mom life began this year when D had her sign up for local Soccer. She loves it. When I mean "loves it" - she asks me everyday if she has practice or a game. We have learned to not tell her when its game or practice day because she would ask about it so often I felt like I was taking CRAZY PILLS. She has LOTS of energyand she has a very aggressive "Take No" personality. All things that will help her when she gets on the field to play. If she can just stay focus long enough....hahaha.
Here is some video of her in action! They're pretty funny to watch.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Found a few things to share!
So I have been looking for these to two books for, lets just say.... while!!! They were lost, one my friend switched me for her suggested book and the other I loaned to a friend, it took a while for her to find it. I loved these book and I try to read them once a year. I am a BIG reader of self help books. Reading about something or an idea that gives me a whole new out look on life is fascinating to me. These are some good reads for sure! I talk about what I think they help with but really they are just good books. They where recommended to me through people I trust like almost anything I pick up to read.This book is a short book you could read this in like 4 hours. I can not tell who much this book helped me to understand people. So have you ever left a conversion or a situation with someone and felt hurt or frustrated but couldn't put your finger on why you felt bad? Girls can relate to this because in high school its how girls interact with each other....."You wear that so well...I mean I would NEVER wear that but you wear it SO well". Hahaa. Yah I am sure we have ALL had out share of that. But this book teaches you how to deal with people who are this way and how to stop feeling hurt by them.
Side note* If you work in the work place this is a MUST read for you.
This is a book that come out a counciling sessions I had earlier in my marriage. I would have to say is one of the books that changed how I proseved my life and my husband. I think sometimes we wait TOO long before we reach out for help. The time is now for you to understand your spouse. Men love there women to read this book just because of the title. But It really does work! I mean you still have to TALK but a lot less....hahaha. This has some worksheets in it for you to do even so really get down and dirty with learning it completely. Love hands on stuff like that. If your spouse leaves u alone a lot or just always seems to "checkout" or even if you find yourself saying the SAME things over and over....this book is for you!