My Eyes Say It All!
Mj and I said goodbye to The Man of our lives today! It was so heartbreaking to see her with her face pressed on the glasses doors at airport security. She kept asking for "daddy?" all the way home. I just felt so numb as he walked up the airport escalators to board his plane, that was already boarding when he was still in the security line. Our goodbyes were quick but our eyes said so much. We will not see him for a while....lets just say it will seem like too long. I will miss him so much that I can't even feel right now. I kept wondering how couple do this? I can't believe I will have no one to come home to at the end of the day. I can't possibly understand the loneness that my man will feel. I at least have Mj to hug and hold. Here is a touching picture of their goodbye......
Why is he leaving? You are brave! I don't think I would survive without my husband.
I don't know if you remember me. I was your visiting teacher in Caldwell for a short time. I had a brand new baby and then we moved to Alaska. When we moved back you had moved away.
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